Our Events
2021 - 2022

Humans of NIE is an initiative continued from the 30th NSTC and it aims to highlight stories from different individuals in NIE to allow the NIE community to gain deeper insights into the diverse background and personal stories that make up the community. Through this initiative, student teachers are usually asked to introduce their various academic subjects and their personal school experiences in NIE. The purpose of these posts is to allow potential student teachers gain more insight into life at NIE and have an idea of the different academic subjects offered.
2021 - 2022

VOICES is NSTC’s online publication where articles on NIE events, student lifestyle, student advice, and more are posted regularly. This initiative is led by Ms Claudia Yap Neng (Publications Officer) and Ms Cheong Zi Xin (Publications Executive). The purpose of VOICES is to allow NIE community to find out more about student teachers from different programmes and summarise key events in each semester.
November 2022
Merchandise Sales I

Our first Merchandise Sale of the Academic Year was held in November 2022. This event was led by Mr Kenneth Kwan Yu Heng (Honorary General Secretary) and Ms Phoebe Moh Hui Ting (Honorary Financial Controller). For this Merchandise Sale, we continued the sale of our Classic Varsity T-Shirt in white and maroon colours as well as our very own NIE Lanyard. We also introduced new designs - Synergy Tee, in cream colour, and Synergy Tote Bag, in red, blue, yellow and green, to symbolise NIE's four houses. Our Synergy Collection was very well-received by the NIE community.
The sale took on a new approach this year, allowing student-teachers and staff members to come down to browse and "shop" for their desired items before making an online payment. Over the three-day event, we saw more than 400 student-teachers and staff members heading down to visit the booth!
October 2022
Welfare Initiative 1

Our first Welfare Initiative of the Academic Year was held from 25th October to 31st October 2022 with the theme, 'No Tricks, Only Treats'. This event was held in collaboration with the TSP Club and was led by Mr Tristan Sim Yih (Welfare Officer) and Ms Eileen Ho Xiang Ting (Welfare Executive).
During the week-long event, NSTC and TSP Club had a Welfare Pack Giveaway, Instagram Dress-up Challenge, Photo Booth, Game Booths and Horror Movie Screening Night to celebrate the Halloween season and to cheer student-teachers on for their finals season.
September 2022
NIE Clubs Awards & NIE Clubs' Investiture

The Investiture honoured all outgoing members of the 31st MC and the various Chairpersons of the Sub-Clubs for their contributions to student life. The NIE Club Awards were presented to Sub-Clubs who have performed outstandingly and contributed to the vibrancy of NIE in various areas. Likewise, the Passion Awards were also given to outstanding newly-graduated teachers who have gave back to NIE during their studies. The Investiture also officially marked the change of term for the 31st NIE Student Teachers' Club Management Committee to the 32nd Management Committee.
September 2022
31st NSTC Annual General Meeting

The 31st NSTC Annual General Meeting was held on 22nd September 2021 and served to update student teachers on NSTC's achievements in its previous term under the 31st Management Committee. During the session, Mr Chua Wei Jian (31st President) and his team also shared about the successes and work led by each portfolio in the 31st Management Committee.
August 2022
Clubs' Fair

The NIE Clubs’ Fair is an event that is co-organised by the 31st NSTC and its 11 subsidiary clubs. This event allows NSTC and the sub-clubs, to introduce themselves and showcase their club activities to the incoming Freshmen. Through this event, the clubs were able to reach out to student teachers and recruit interested student teachers to their incoming EXCO. The planning of this event involved Mr Chua Wei Jian (President), Ms Calyn Seah Jia Ying (Vice President (Projects)) and Ms Tan En Ee Grace (Vice President (Administration)).
August 2022
NIE Transition Orientation Programme: ASTER 2022

NIE Transition Orientation Programme was a full physical event held on campus over a period of 2 days. The theme of this event was titled Aster “αστÎρια”: The Constellation of a Community. The space-themed event was organised by Ms Wong Qian Hui, NSTC Special Projects Officer and Chairperson of NIE Transition Orientation Programme (TOP) 2022, Ms Nur Hidayah Binte Eser, Vice-Chairperson (Programmes) of the Orientation Planning Management Committee (OPMC), and Ms Eileen Ho Xiang Ting, NSTC Corporate Communications Executive and Vice-Chairperson (Administration) of the Orientation Planning Management Committee (OPMC).
There were a range of activities planned, from icebreakers, house bonding activities to competitive station games and scavenger hunt games. Last but not least, there was also a closing ceremony where NIE student teachers were given a chance to showcase their talents to the freshmen.
June 2022
NIE Graduation Initiative

The 2022 Graduation Initiative took place on 17 June and was themed 'Bon Voyage'. There was performances, games and various activities planned for the graduating cohort. This event was led by Ms Ng Qi Xuan, Sarah (Special Projects Officer), with Tan En Ee Grace (Vice-President (Administration)) being the advisor.
May 2022
NIE Seniors' Programme

After a two-year hiatus due to Covid-19, the 2022 Seniors’ Programme in May took place from 4-6 May with the theme Aster “αστÎρια”: The Constellation of a Community. The space-themed event was led by Ms Wong Qian Hui, NSTC Special Projects Officer and Chairperson of NIE Transition Orientation Programme (TOP) 2022, Ms Nur Hidayah Binte Eser, Vice-Chairperson (Programmes) of the Orientation Planning Management Committee (OPMC), and Ms Eileen Ho Xiang Ting, NSTC Corporate Communications Executive and Vice-Chairperson (Administration) of the Orientation Planning Management Committee (OPMC).
During the Seniors' Programme, there were both online and physical activities planned as the team considered a hybrid form of event at that point in time. Many seniors also had fun and forged new friendships through this event.
March 2022
Teachers-as-Thinkers: BackToGroundZero

This session of Teachers as Thinkers Series was held on 30 March 2022, and it was a sharing about the overlaps between socio-emotional skills and environmental literacy, the ups & downs of juggling community work with full-time jobs, and what sustainable volunteering means to the backtogroundzero team.
We would like to thank the Office of Teacher Education for working with us on this session. Special shout out to Ms Chionh Yee Ching (Honorary General Secretary) and Ms Ng Qi Xuan, Sarah (Special Projects Officer) for being our emcees for the event!
March 2022
Welfare Initiative II

In collaboration with Teaching Scholars Programme Club (TSP) and Sports Science Management Club (SSM), this Welfare Initiative was held acrosee three days, 29 - 31 March 2022, with various events to support student teachers for the upcoming examinations and lift the spirits of the NIE and SSM community. This event was led by Mr Tay Yong Khin (Welfare Officer) and Rohshini Thiagarajan (Corporate Liaison Officer).
This year’s theme was “NIE Wonderland”, and there were fun and exciting activities such as carnival games, welfare packs giveaway and a cotton candy giveaway. Jukebox Jams was also part of this initiative to lighten the atmosphere in the canteen during this period.
March 2022
Co-option of Integrative Executive

Over the years, NSTC has seen minimal involvement of PGDE student leaders within its Management Committee. Hence, with the support of NIE Office of Teacher Education, as well as NTU Student Affairs Office, the 31st NSTC received approval to co-opt a PGDE student teacher upon the proposal for the portfolio of an Integrative Executive to contribute to the inclusive culture in NIE through various activities, projects, and policies hosted in NIE.
Co-opted as the new Integrative Executive, Ms Sarah Nur Shahirah Bte Fazal was given opportunities to lead and explore initiatives that will contribute to the overall cohesiveness in the NIE student community.
February 2022
Merchandise Sale II

The second merchandise sale was an event held across three days, 22 - 24 February 2022, with the intention of fostering bonds within the NIE community by providing NIE students with a sense of belonging with merchandise such as NIE shirts and lanyards. This three-day event was led by Ms Alisa Choong Hwee Xuan (Honorary Financial Controller) and Ms Chionh Yee Ching (Honorary General Secretary). Prior to the merchandise sales, student teachers were also given the opportunity to participate in the Merchandise Design Competition and the NIE community had to vote for their most preferred design.
February 2022
Teachers-as-Thinkers: Citizenship Conceptions in Singapore Social Studies Classrooms

This session of Teachers as Thinkers Series was held on 16 February 2022, with the topic on Citizenship Conceptions in Singapore Social Studies Classrooms, with A/P Jasmine Sim as our guest speaker. In this session, the citizenship conceptions of social studies teachers were discussed, namely character-driven citizenship, social-participatory citizenship and critically-reflexive citizenship.
We would like to thank the Office of Teacher Education for working with us on this session. Special shout out to Tan En Ee Grace (Vice President (Administration)) and Ms Eileen Ho Xiang Ting (Corporate Communications Executive) for being our emcees for the event!
January - March 2022
Hong Kong University Collaboration

NSTC held the second edition of the NIE-HKU (Hong Kong University) Virtual Collaboration from 29 January to 26 March 2022. Organised by Mr Chua Wei Jian, President, and two student leaders from the BABSc (Education) programme, this event involved nine student teachers from NIE and seven student teachers from HKU.
These sessions provided meaningful opportunities for student teachers from both countries to gain a deeper understanding of the education systems, as well as learning about each other’s culture. This insightful session allowed student teachers to forge new and meaningful friendships with one another despite the pandemic. We would like to thank HKU for the opportunity to collaborate and we look forward to future collaborations!
January 2022
NIE Welcome Ceremony (PGDE + DISE)

The NIE Welcome Ceremony for PGDE and DISE student teachers was held online in January. This ceremony was organised by the Office of Teacher Education and involved Mr Chua Wei Jian (President) who gave a speech during this ceremony.
January 2022
NIE Conversations

The NSTC Conversation was a one-day physical event held on 12th January 2022 to gather qualitative feedback from NIE students from various programmes and academic years. The event was led by Mr Chua Wei Jian (President) and Ms Subash Chandra Bose Swati (Finance Executive). For this event, NSTC collaborated with NIE Graduate Student Club (GSC) and Sports Science Management Society (SSM) to roster student ambassadors to speak with the NIE Student Body during their lunchtime at the NIE Canteen.
January 2022
Back-to-School Initiative I

The first Back-to-School initiative for AY21/22 was held from 10 to 11 January 2022 to welcome the PGDE freshmen into NIE and to welcome the current NIE students into their new semester. This event was led by Ms Alisa Choong Hwee Xuan (Honorary Financial Controller) and Ms Ma Xinyi Sarah (Sports & Recreation Officer). Ms Tan En Ee Grace (Vice President (Administration)) played the role of an advisor for this event.
Bubble tea vouchers were given out and there was also a song dedication booth. Last but not least, incoming PGDE freshmen were also able to collect their very own ‘Student Guide to NIE Life!’ during the event.
January 2022
Inter-School Games (ISG) AY21-22

The NTU Inter-School Games was held from 3-7 January, consisting of 6 sports namely Badminton, Captain's Ball, Basketball, Futsal, Table Tennis and Tennis. Mr Chua Wei Jian (President) and Ms Ma Xinyi Sarah (Sports & Recreation Officer) were involved in preparing welfare packs for our NIE athletes as well as overseeing the sign-up of this event.
October 2021
Teachers-as-Thinkers: Future-Ready Teachers for Future-Ready Learners

The 31st NIE Student Teachers’ Club co-hosted the NIE Teachers as Thinkers Series with the Office of Teacher Education on 8 October 2021, with the topic on Future-Ready Teachers for Future-Ready Students, with A/P Ng Pak Tee from the Policy, Curriculum and Leadership Academic Group, as our guest speaker. This series aims to provide student teachers the opportunity to explore important issues of our time so that they may engage in these conversations with their future students.
We would also like to thank Dr Suzanne Choo for working with us on this initiative. Special shout out to Mr Chua Wei Jian (President) and Ms Calyn Seah Jia Ying (Vice-President (Projects)) for being our emcees for the event!
January 2022
Teachers-as-Thinkers: Intersectionality

This session of Teachers as Thinkers Series was held on 19 January 2022, with the topic on Intersectionality, with Dr Patricia Wong as our guest speaker. This series aims to address “intersections” in our own classrooms and to allow student teachers to understand how their own “intersections” impact their ability to relate to their students.
We would like to thank the Office of Teacher Education for working with us on this session. Special shout out to Ms Calyn Seah Jia Ying (Vice-President (Projects)) and Ms Lisa Cheng I-Ling (Corporate Communications Officer) for being our emcees for the event!
March 2022

Sustai-NIE-Bility! is a new NSTC sustainability initiative. This event was led by Ms Lisa Cheng I-Ling (Corporate Communications Officer), Ms Ng Qi Xuan, Sarah (Special Projects Officer), Ms Sim Xin Xian (General Secretary Executive), with Tan En Ee Grace (Vice President (Administration)) being the advisor.
It was a one week long physical event, held from 14 - 18 March 2022. During the event, there were various activities to encourage the NIE student body and staff to reduce, reuse and recycle. NSTC collaborated with EarthLink and the Food and Consumer Science (FCS) Club to organise sustainability events on the same week to gain greater outreach among the NIE community.
March 2022
Masks and Hand Sanitisers Collection

In March 2022, NSTC members were involved in the distribution of reusable antibacterial face masks and hand sanitisers that were donated to NTU by the Temasek Foundation.
October 2021
Merchandise Sale I

Our first Merchandise Sale of the Academic Year was held in October 2021. This event was led by Ms Alisa Choong Hwee Xuan (Honorary Financial Controller) and Ms Chionh Yee Ching (Honorary General Secretary). For this Merchandise Sale, we continued the sale of our Classic Varsity T-Shirt but with colours ranging from white, maroon, light blue to navy blue. There was also the sale of our Limited Edition Alexia Tee, NIE Windbreaker and tote bags. This year, we introduced our very own NIE lanyard and it was well-received by the NIE community as well. With the restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic and safe-distancing measures, the sale had an online pre-order and physical merchandise collection system. Thankfully, the merchandise sale was still a success and helped build a sense of belonging for our NIE community.
September 2021
Teachers-as-Thinkers: Future-Ready Teachers for Future-Ready Learners

The 31st NIE Student Teachers’ Club co-hosted the NIE Teachers as Thinkers Series with the Office of Teacher Education on 29 September 2021, with the topic on Future-Ready Teachers for Future-Ready Students, with Professor Tan Oon Seng as our guest speaker. This series aims to provide student teachers the opportunity to explore important issues of our time so that they may engage in these conversations with their future students.
Student teachers had a meaningful time learning about the how we can be better prepared for the evolving education landscape in Singapore. We would also like to thank Dr Suzanne Choo for working with us on this initiative. Special shout out to Mr Chua Wei Jian (President) and Ms Calyn Seah Jia Ying (Vice-President (Projects)) for being our emcees for the event!
September 2021
NIE Club Awards & NIE Clubs' Investiture

The Investiture honoured all outgoing members of the 30th MC and the various Chairpersons of the Sub-Clubs for their contributions to student life. The NIE Club Awards were presented to Sub-Clubs who have performed outstandingly and contributed to the vibrancy of NIE in various areas. Likewise, the Passion Awards were also given to outstanding newly-graduated teachers who have gave back to NIE during their studies. The Investiture also officially marked the change of term for the 30th Trainee Teachers' Club, from the 29th Management Committee to the 30th Management Committee.
September 2021
30th NSTC Annual General Meeting

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The 30th NSTC Annual General Meeting was held on 23rd September 2021 and served to update student teachers on NSTC's achievements in its previous term under the 30th Management Committee. During the session, Mr Alex Lim Tze Ming (30th President) and his team also shared about the successes and work led by each portfolio in the 30th Management Committee.
October 2021
Welfare Initiative I

Our first Welfare Initiative of the Academic Year was held from 25th October to 27th October 2021 with the theme of ‘Onwards NIE!’. This event was led by Mr Tay Yong Khin (Welfare Officer) and Ms Wong Qian Hui (Special Projects Officer). During the three-day event, NSTC had a Welfare Pack Giveaway, Instagram Bingo Challenge, a Reflection Space Mirror activity and our very own Jukebox Jam which NIE students can send in their song requests.
Click here to find out more about ZOVB, our event sponsor.