To Serve To Provide To Unite
We Serve, Provide & Unite
The Club strives for vibrancy and active student involvement by holding events that cater to diverse interests, whilst promoting stewardship and leadership by charting the landscape of student life in NIE. This is achieved through the mentorship and rapport the Club establishes with the subsidiary clubs, themselves constituting the majority of the student life landscape in NIE, and student-teachers themselves.
Furthermore, the events the Club organises cater to interests ranging from sports, to the arts, general welfare, and merchandise demand.
Foremost, the Club strives to meet the need for a common and unifying identity for student-teachers to adopt, as #oneNIEcommunity.

Our history and legacy
The Club has had 32 years of illustrious history, its foundations set by capable and committed past Management Committees. The Club’s name is rooted in tradition, and remained as the “Trainee Teachers’ Club” until August 2021 as drawn upon the previous name of the National Institute of Education: Trainee Teachers’ College. In view of the new definition of pre-service teachers, the club changed its name to "NIE Student Teachers' Club" on 12 August 2021.
The Club welcomes Management Committee members from all teacher education programmes in NIE, inclusive of the BABSc, Diploma, and PGDE programmes.
The Club maintains membership in the NTU Students’ Union (NTUSU), one of 18 constituent clubs of the Union. Its unique membership is recognized and enshrined in the Constitution of the NTUSU. The Club seeks to maintain and strengthen bonds with NTU constituent clubs via the leadership of the NSTC President, who sits in the NTUSU Council as a member with the Union Representative. Together, they represent NIE and NSTC in the NTUSU Council.