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11 Questions with the Assistant Deans | Dr Jessie Png

Updated: Aug 10, 2020

Dr Jessie Png, Assistant Dean/Diploma, taught in a secondary school for over 20 years before joining NIE. During her time in school, she led many CCAs, and even coached the softball team!

She shares about her life in NIE, her many talents in the performing arts and sports, and a really wacky fear.

How were you as a student?

I think I was quite a cooperative and diligent student. I was also very active in sports and participated in many CCAs like Athletics, Softball and Girls’ Brigade. And when I went out to school to teach, I led the same CCAs! I also coached the softball team for a period of time.

What is something about you that we don’t know?

I used to be in singing groups, and used to play the guitar and organ. I’m quite a musical person!

What is your favourite food from the NIE canteen?

I have no favourites from the NIE canteen, but I patronise the Noodle and Mixed Rice stalls.

What is your favourite spot in NIE to relax?

No favourite spot but because my favourite time of the day to relax is having lunch and chatting with my ELL colleagues at the canteen, so that venue can be classified as my favourite.

If you could change the colours of the NIE logo, would you?

No change. I wish the colours could be more prominently displayed in the buildings and perhaps signposts at the carparks, like those found in NUS.

What is one fun fact about you?

I actually have a fear of buttons, the kind used in sewing and crafts. I don’t know how it started. I’m okay if they’re on my clothes, but I try to stay away from buttons in general. Once, I received a card with many buttons pasted on it, as part of the design and I had to quickly put it somewhere I wouldn’t see it!

What is one essential piece of clothing or accessory in your wardrobe?

A necklace.

Do you have any pets?

I used to have a Labrador. He passed away early this year after about 16 (human) years. He brought comfort to me and was like a family member.

What is the most memorable thing a student has said to you?

During my first year at NIE, I told my students that I missed touching lives in a regular school. One student told me, ”You touch our lives now and we will go and touch our students’ lives when we leave NIE.” That made me feel quite moved. I am still touching lives here at NIE!

What is your dream for NIE?

That NIE will continue to focus on caring for her staff. The caring environment here at NIE is wonderful, and not easy to come by.

What is one thing you want student teachers to know?

Make the most of your time here in NIE. Participate as much as you can. I participated when I was a student, and that’s why I enjoyed my time. And when you go out, always remember your calling to be a teacher. That will help you remain a long time in your teaching career.


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