It’s exam season and you know what that means — staying up late to review a semester’s worth of work and feeling the stress pile up! We asked you, the NIE community, on our Instagram (@niettcsg) what are some of the weird study habits that you might have. Read about them below!

Personally, when I’m working on my assignments, I have to eat something spicy like Samyang noodles or potato chips. I read once that the capsaicin in spicy food helps your body produce endorphins, also known as happy chemicals (might need to fact-check that). It’s been a habit especially since the spice keeps me awake if I’m working through the night.
- Chow Zi Hui Zoey, Year 1 NIE student teacher, majoring in English Language

My weird habit is to play games while working on my assignment. My favourite online game is the online game Hearthstone. I think playing games makes doing work feel less dreadful. It gives me the initial motivation to do work as I get to take many 'mini breaks and rewards' to check on my game’s progress. Once I am ready to focus on my work, I would stop playing and only start up my game again when I feel unmotivated.
- Anonymous, Year 1 NIE student teacher, majoring in Geography

One interesting method I use to derive inspiration to write is by staring at the corner of my room with great intent until an idea bursts into my head. I do not do anything except to focus really hard on the corner of the room and think of the main essay question. For visual commentary, if you are familiar with the cartoon, Adventure Time, you can refer to how Peppermint Butler opens the portal to the nether realm.
- Lim Hun, Year 2 NIE student teacher, majoring in English Language

When I start my assignments, I usually lie down with my laptop and start snacking. I think it is a habit developed when I was in secondary school. This habit came about because once I start studying, I will study for several hours straight on. Since I'll be tired, I just start with lying down on my bed to get comfortable.
- I Nandhini, Year 2 NIE student teacher, majoring in Tamil language

I subconsciously twirl my hair when I am stressed while doing work or even when I’m sitting for an exam. It has come to a point where one side of my head has slightly curly and tangled hair ends (but I do my best to fix it). I think I should stop this habit in case I start balding…
- Neo Eugene, Year 2 NIE student teacher, majoring in Physics

I personally hate and find it challenging to sit still, yet I can't concentrate on studying if I don't sit still. To cope, I do about 20 jumping jacks every hour or so of sitting down. It helps me keep fit, stay alert, and keeps me in a good mood — it's hard to be angry while doing jumping jacks!
- Low Ruilin Andralyn, Year 3 NIE student teacher, majoring in English Language

Contrary to what most people do, I cannot study with music playing in the background. However, one of my weird study habits includes taking periodic breaks from my essay to walk around the room and start singing random songs that pop into my mind. Popular songs I have randomly sung midway through an essay include pop songs like Adele's “Hello" and “Rolling in the Deep" and Maroon 5’s “Payphone". I don't complete the songs though, perhaps just a stanza or two and I'd find myself walking back to my seat.
- Lim Wenhao Joshua Augustine, Year 3 NIE student teacher, majoring in English Language

My weird study habit is that I am most productive only when I listen to music by One Direction! I’ve listened to all their songs enough times to completely tune out the lyrics, yet the song melody is upbeat enough to keep me focused on my work.
- Nurin Huda Binte Hanif, Year 3 NIE student teacher, majoring in Geography
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