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Club Sci.Napse - STEM Hackathon 2021

The first ever STEM Hackathon@NIE, organized by Club Sci.Napse, was held on 20 March 2021. The aim of the event was to allow student teachers to create and build prototypes using scientific concepts. Participants were given the challenge of building a rapid cooler to bring down the temperature of a can of Coca-Cola.

As students were being briefed, our organisers were hard at work behind the scenes, setting up various stations for participants to “borrow” or “purchase” logistics to improve the design of their cooler device.

And it began! Participants from different scientific disciplines were grouped together in groups of four to build the prototype. They then started brainstorming and researching for ideas.

Pictured here is one of the prototype designs. At the end of the Hackathon, participants had to cool down a can of coke within a set period of time, using their prototype. Teams also had to present and explain their work with scientific concepts.

Some groups faced challenges as their first prototype did not manage to reduce the temperature. However, they went back to the drawing board and persevered!

Of course, at the end of the day, everyone had fun and it was a friendly competition. Participants managed to use the STEM framework to create successful prototypes.


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