On 21 December 2020, SLC went down to Food From The Heart to help out with the packing of welfare packs. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, SLC volunteers were not allowed to have direct interactions with beneficiaries, like how it was done in the past years.

However, through this activity, participants gained insights on how welfare packs were organised based on beneficiaries’ needs, and had a better understanding of the socio-economic background of the beneficiaries.

SLC also collaborated with Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore (MINDs) to conduct a series of workshops. Activities held during these workshops included music, art and craft, and aerobics which allowed participants to develop coordination and psychomotor skills while having fun.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the workshops were conducted online through Microsoft Teams. The materials for the sessions were prepared by volunteers beforehand and were delivered to the centre prior to each session. As it was a live session, SLC volunteers had to learn to adapt to situations and work together.

On 4 and 5 March 2021, NIE’s Service Learning Club (SLC) conducted a two day event for seniors at the AWWA Senior Activity Centre. Volunteers carried out activities that were mind-stimulating, engaging and popular among the elderly.

Activities and games included Bingo, Old Photos, Memory Card Game and Guess the Song. Participants enjoyed themselves and had fun despite the current COVID-19 situation. Volunteers achieved their aim to provide companionship to elderly who live alone in rental flats.
