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A Day in the Life of a Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Physical Education) Student Teacher


Austin Ong Wee Kiat

Year 1 NIE Student Teacher

Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Physical Education) Student Teacher

My teaching subject, Physical Education (PE), is a subject that I have been passionate about since young. My love for sports spurred me to join the Sports Science Management (SSM) faculty and subsequently, the teaching fraternity at the National Institute of Education (NIE). As a Year 1 PGDE PE Student, my days are filled with a mixture of academic and curricular modules where I attend lessons in the Physical Education Block of the NIE campus and participate in various sports at the Sports Recreation Centre.

(Pitching a tent during Outdoor Education Lesson)

I am contented and grateful that I get to attend school, excited for the day that lies ahead. Every day, I am electrified by what I learn and the challenges I have to overcome, leaving me coming back to school for more.

(Introduction to Physical Education Learning Journey to the Singapore Sport Museum)

In NIE, it has been a privilege to take on leadership appointments — such as being the Chairperson of the Physical Education and Sports Science (PESS Club) — that help to keep me engaged and more importantly, provide me with the opportunity to give back to the community that has served me. I have chosen to keep my university years exciting and meaningful by joining various committees and participating in different events with purposeful avenues for self-development and growth. I am excited to continue this journey with the company of my friends who help to keep things fun.

(With the NTU Squash Team)


A project by the National Institute of Education Trainee Teachers' Club. Proudly created with

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