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3 Exam Survival Tactics For Exam Seasons

Lim Hun

Year 2 Bachelor in Arts (Education) NIE Student Teacher

Majoring in English Language and Biology (Secondary Track)

So, you have an exam to take? Let's face it, we all know the dread and discomfort that come with examinations. As much as it is part and parcel of every student's life, many of us still struggle, trying to manage the stress that comes with our exams. Here are three tips to cope with exam stress.

Tip 1: Start early

We all know that there's nothing worse than burning the midnight oil a few days before the exam while worrying about the little time we have left to study.

So, start early and your future self will definitely thank you for doing so.

Tip 2: Rest

As exams draw near, it is inevitable that our stress levels rise coupled with an increase in hair fall. Remember to pace yourself and make sure you get enough sleep as you work hard. Additionally, check out this video on a few breathing exercises that are sure to soothe some nerves.

Tip 3: Eat & Drink right

What we eat and drink can have a huge impact on our performance on the examination day. Click here to learn how to choose foods that can help us smash our study schedule.

Day of the Exam

Look, you've done all you can and all that's left is to give it your best shot! Take a deep breath and have faith. Always remember that exams are just a small part of our student-life.

After all, isn't everyone’s goal to just try our hardest? All the best for your exams everyone!

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