Alex Lim
Chairman, Orientation Planning & Management Committee
BSc Year 2
This year’s NIE Transition Orientation Programme planning process has been a wild roller coaster ride for the Orientation Planning & Management Committee (OPMC). We started off the planning process in late 2019, drafting up plans for a physical orientation with high hopes. Our planning process was relatively smooth-sailing until mid-March, when the COVID-19 pandemic pushed Singapore into Dorscon Orange. There were many uncertainties and we were unsure about NIE’s orientation plans. Nevertheless, we continued planning for a physical orientation. Eventually we received information that our orientation had to turn fully virtual.

Seniors involved in NIE e-TOP 2020
We had to modify our plans to fit into a virtual orientation context. This entire planning process was truly different from the norm and OPMC had to adapt to the various new circumstances present and make plans from there on. Personally, while the changes affected our planning process significantly, it was an enriching experience learning to manage the unforeseen circumstances and make alternative plans to various problems. I’m really thankful to the OPMC for rising up to the occasion and pushing through the challenges we had.

Filming day for NIE e-TOP 2020 in March before Circuit Breaker measures
To all incoming student teachers, I wish you all the best in your studies in NIE and I hope that the virtual orientation will be an enjoyable experience for you! NIE Life may not always be as easy as you desire, but I believe hard work and perseverance will help you achieve your goals, and ultimately become a successful educator in the near future! Also, do make the most of your student life in NIE by joining the various sub-clubs and make your time in NIE more fulfilling! All the best and I hope to see you around in school!